Saturday, April 10, 2010

End of Week 6


The cabinets guys were starting to unload before 8am, and they were working on the cabinets all day long.

The floor guy spent most of the day cutting out the scratched boards, and then scraping up all the adhesive underneath.


The floor guy finished replacing the scratched boards, but there were a couple of those that were no longer flat. We also noticed another board that wasn't flat in a different part of the living room. It's a shame because it is a lot of painstaking careful work to pull those boards up, but it's just not cool to have a new floor that isn't flat.

The cabinet guys continued to get things in place. They had all of the cabinets installed, but didn't have all the doors and drawers on. We noticed that some of them had a lot of variation in the doors on the same cabinet, similar to the cabinet that we had seen in the shop a couple weeks ago. The cabinet guy brought it up at the end of the day and said that they would get different doors to use in place of some of the one with higher color variations.

The builder moved the furniture back into the living room, placing cardboard pieces under all the feet to avoid scratches to the floor. We started putting felt feet on all the furniture in the living room.


The cabinet guy came mid-morning and continued to work through much of the day. He was putting up some of the trim at the top of the cabinets. We had noticed that one of the cabinet drawer fronts was 1/4" longer than the one next to it, and mentioned it to him. He indicated that they had mistakenly put the middle drawer on the bottom. The head commercial sales guy came by later and they marked 6 different cabinet fronts that they were going to replace, though I think they need to order them from the factory. But it was really nice to see these guys being so proactive in making sure that their cabinets looked as good as possible. I think it will make us much happier with the kitchen overall.

This morning we noticed that there was a box on the front porch that had the faucet in it. The outside of the box had a decent sized hole, but once open it looked like the faucet was fine and the placement of the hole was in a spot where it wouldn't have damaged anything.

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